Sunday, February 14, 2021

Every day

A somewhat disturbing, but heartfelt Valentines Day greeting.

Valentines Day is always a low-key 'holiday' for us.  Hubby bought chocolates for the boys and myself, and made a run to Mankato to bring candies to O and E and to grab India Palace take-out for dinner. Besides that, it's been a chill (both literally and figuratively) day.  Currently (7 pm) the boys are online with games and videos, while Hubby is watching pro wrestling on TV.

When you have a husband who sweetly does anything you ask whenever you ask, including making you bacon, mushrooms and eggs for breakfast, bringing you hot tea when your mug is empty, hauling heavy boxes of seeds or soap supplies around the house, making you chocolate cake just because he saw your FB post about it, or giving you foot-rubs at the end of a long day, Valentines Day is every day.  I really lucked out in the spouse department, I tell ya.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely a disturbing card...but vintage is always the best!
