Saturday, February 6, 2021

Cold snap

Yup, you read that right.  For the next three days we won't get above 1 degree Fahrenheit.  Which is -17 in Celsius for you non-Americans.  And the cold is here to stay--we won't get above 4 degrees F for all of next week.  

An extended cold snap in winter isn't unusual for Minnesota.  While it's something to add to a conversation, it's not something to get overly excited about.  If I had a job where I had to be outside every day, however, I'd be as bitter as the cold is.

I'm not a meme person, but this one does sum up my feelings about living in the arctic north.

That, plus the seasons.  Occasionally I'll ask myself which is my favorite season, and I'll come to the conclusion that I have no favorite.  I love them all.  Minnesota has all of the seasons in glorious splendor, and the changes between the seasons are lovely to behold.  Yeah, I could do without the handful of 90+ degree days in summer, but at least I know that those are few and far between.  

My brother-in-law moved from MN to FL a few years ago.  From the beginning of May to the end of October their average daily temperature is above 85.  That's averaging daytime and nighttime temps.  Gah.  I could never do that.  But he seems happy there.  

I'll take my Minnesota climate any time of the year.  This is where I grew up, and this is where I'll grow old.  It is my home.  And heart is where the home is.


  1. I agree but I DO have outside duties and could do without this entire week of weather!

  2. Wouldn't a heated water font in the barn be nice? Wish we had that for our chickens.
