Sunday, December 13, 2020

Dried fruit onslaught

My husband likes dates.  He eats them with his oatmeal in the morning.  Somehow, mysteriously, FB has discovered that I am married to a person who likes dates, and has been bombarding my feed with date company ads.  Seriously, three ads in a few minutes of scrolling.  I am taken aback by this sudden onslaught of dried fruit, and have some serious questions.

  • First: how the heck do they know what my husband eats?  He doesn't buy dates online.  He doesn't browse date sites (not those kind either).  We don't have an Alexa to whom we confide our date desires.  How do they know?!
  • Second: why do so many companies sell dates?  I used to think they were a specialty item sold by maybe one or two producers, but apparently there are just oodles of date growers cashing in on the date gravy train.  
  • Third: exactly how many different kinds of dates are there?  The ads offer "Sampler Boxes" with multiple varieties of dates.  Is there a date-of-the-month club? 
  • Fourth: My husband has heard my date rant and has asked for the names of the date companies.  He is comparison shopping between all of them online.  He says the organic date company has good prices.  I am somewhat freaked out.  Where is Rod Serling?
  • Fifth: well played, date company marketing teams.  Well played.


  1. Bahahaha!!! And jumbles! Don't forget hubby's AMAZING jumbles!

  2. Yes! And dates go into our sticky toffee pudding too!
