Friday, December 4, 2020

Thanksgiving leftovers

True to form, we spent a lot of time over Thanksgiving playing games.  I didn't really keep track of who won what, but everyone won something.  Not that winning matters much, but it does feel good every once in awhile.

Trivial Pursuit

We also played a bunch of Jackbox.  That's a fun party game we all enjoy.  Hubby managed to play a few with us, in between a lot of very realistic cooking simulators.

Multiple Solitaire

I think our next game will be Salon Simulator 2020, where we all cut each other's hair and judge the results.  It's been nine months since any of us has seen a barber.  While Hubby has made do with his clippers, the rest of us are looking a bit shaggy.  

Apples to Apples

For supper tonight I ate the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers.  We still have a pint of gravy left, but I'll throw that in the freezer to join the bags of turkey soup I made over the weekend.  So Thanksgiving 2020 is in the books!  Good thing as we're well into December.  The kids have already started their chocolate advent calendars, and plans are to get a tree this weekend.  Let the Christmas season begin!


  1. They finally have chocolate advent calendar??? I thought they hated them!

  2. We got the Hershey versions. The kids prefer those. They don't have the nostalgia of the German wax chocolate ones like we do. :)
