Friday, October 16, 2020

Fave films

On my way home from work tonight, I found my eyelids drooping a bit.  So, I endeavored to enliven my brain by thinking of my top ten favorite films.  This is the list I came up with.

1. Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971).  Obviously.

2. Victor Victoria (1982)

3. Young Frankenstein (1974)

4.  Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)

5.  Enchanted April (1991)

6.  Little Lord Fauntleroy (1980)

7.  Blazing Saddles (1974)

8.  The Christmas Story (1983)

9.  The Sting (1973)

10.  Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Take from this list what you will.  Obviously I am a fan of Gene Wilder.  And of musicals.  I'm a sucker for an uplifting inspirational, or a nostalgic children's story, or a comedic caper.  Nothing too serious, and nothing at all sad.  Why would anyone want to watch a sad movie?  There's plenty of sad in real life, no need to add to it.  Movies are an escape for me, a time to feel joy and hope and rejuvenation.

Next time I drive home from an evening shift, I'll make up a list of my least favorite movies.  That list will be harder to make, as I've likely forgotten most of the bad ones.  I apologize in advance if some of your favorites are on it.