Saturday, September 12, 2020

Two birds

Today Hubby and middlest son ventured north, killing two birds with one stone.  The first bird was to visit his stepmother in Avon, and the second was to pick up a 25 lb bag of oatmeal at Swany White Mill.  Swany White was the mill that burned down in 2011, as mentioned in my old blog.  Fortunately the owners rebuilt and have resumed their business of selling excellent local flours and meals.

While they were away B and I fended for ourselves.  I took it upon myself to clean the kitchen, a task that hasn't been done thoroughly in many a day.  My hip is gradually getting better, and puttering around cleaning counters, dishes, sinks, etc. is something I felt able to manage.  Now that evening has come, however, my hip is complaining so I hope I didn't overdo it. 

Hubby planted a few patches of zinnias in our field this spring, as more fodder for the butterflies.  They are still blooming grandly.  I must remember to collect seed in a few weeks for next year's planting.

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