Friday, September 11, 2020

Distance learning

We're on week three of distance learning for the two boys still in school.  Because of B's lung disease we have opted to keep them both at home for the school year.  The school district has decided to begin the year with everyone in-class, but parents were given the option for distance learning.  Only about 10% of the student body has chosen that option.

Both G (11th grade) and B (9th grade) have tables at home set up with their Chromebook, books and papers.  The boys attend all classes via Zoom Monday through Thursday, with Friday as an independent study day.  There have been a few snags (mainly with the school's internet connectivity), but overall it is going well.  

B, in fact, is thriving.  He enjoys managing his time at home, and doing his work at his own pace.  He is able to focus more, free of the usual distractions prevalent at an overcrowded, understaffed public school.  

G wishes he could be in school with his friends, but he understands why he is staying home.  He is diligent with his homework and even practices his trumpet during band class.  His main concern is whether or not he can participate in Knowledge Bowl.  Last year's regional tournament in April was canceled.

Fortunately both of them have a solid group of online friends that they connect with in the evenings.

I'm just glad I don't have to worry about any illnesses this year.  Not only COVID, but all the other germs that get brought home from school.  Imagine a winter without any colds or flu!  Without days of anyone lying sick and miserable in bed!  Without having to worry about B's bronchomalacia flaring up, listening to the terrible barking cough, dosing him with steroids and nebulizer treatments, or constantly checking his lungs for wheezes and rattles!  It boggles the brain.  In a very very good way.

B making cupcakes

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