Sunday, October 18, 2020

For chokes and giggles

Just for giggles I dug up a couple of the sunchokes a few weeks ago.  And like I thought, it was very tough going in the very tough clay.  I didn't go very deep, just deep enough to get a few tubers.

There are several different kinds of sunchokes, or Jerusalum artichokes.  I have both white and purple varieties in my plot.  These are the white.

From a 15" square, I dug out this many chokes.  I probably would have gotten twice this many if: a) they hadn't been grown in clay soil, and b) I hadn't ignored the plot for the last four years.  

Another thing to note - sunchokes do not store well.  I brought these into the house and put them in a paper bag in my kitchen.  Two days later they were brown and squishy.  Best to keep them in the ground until you're ready to use them.


  1. Replies
    1. Right now, nothing! Hahaha. But normally we would roast them with some oil and salt. Or maybe fry them up on a skillet. They taste like sunflower seeds! And make you fart a lot!
