Saturday, March 6, 2021

Thoughts of spring

I received my second COVID-19 shot on Monday.  Other than a few aches and a fuzzy brain (totally vaccine-related and not just because I'm normally that way), no big reactions.  I hope my immune system learned a few things.

I received my seed packets from the UMN Master Gardener seed trials this week.  I'm growing storage onions, marigolds and kale for them this year.  Last year I trialed basil and leaf lettuce.  The basil was a complete failure - my first ever experience with damping-off killed all the seedlings before they could get into the ground.  But the leaf lettuce, which I had never grown before, was a success.  Successful enough that I will be growing some on my own this year.

I've just finished planting the trial onion seeds, each carefully labeled in their own individual trays.  My other onions are doing well, already 2" tall.

Hubby wasn't feeling well Sunday night, so on Monday he went in for a COVID test.  The doctor told him to isolate until he got the results, 2-5 days.  So he took a 'basement vacation' until Wednesday morning.  He brought our dorm frig and extra microwave down to the basement, and slept in Owen's old bedroom.  We left suppers and other supplies for him at the top of the stairs.  He spent a lot of time streaming Netflix, going through several seasons of Agents of Shield.  Fortunately the tests came back negative, which we were expecting.  Other than the Sunday night issues, he's felt fine all week.

Highs around 50 today, and 70 by Tuesday.  Needless to say all of our remaining snow should be gone by then.  The sun is shining and everyone is thinking about spring.  But as it's still early March, we'll get a few more shots of snow before we can relax our guard and put away the snow shovels.  Spring is a fickle mistress in Minnesota, coming and going with seasonal whim.  Best not to tempt fate by getting your hopes up too early.

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