Thursday, October 3, 2024


This week has flown by.  Busy at work, as usual.  Free time has been spent on P things.  

My middlest son started a Minecraft server, so I've been joining him and his friends playing on that.  After a small bit of exploration I found a cherry tree forest and made my home there.  I'm not usually a fan of pink, but the colors of the cherry petals is pastel-y enough to be pleasant.

Hubby's Pa came by for a short visit this week.  Wednesday night we brought a shephard's pie over to the boys' apartment so he could see them.

I started and finished a quick sewing project.  I found a pattern online for a wine bag and made it, intending it as a hostess gift for my niece when we go over to her house for Christmas.

Finally, I've read two books of prose this week.  (OK, I'm stretching the P with that one.)  The first and second books of John Scalzi's Old Man's War novels.  Hubby has the first and fourth on Kindle, and he kindly got the second and third for me from the local library.  Good stories, quick reads.

Tomorrow morning I get a haircut, the first one in about nine months.  I'll probably get about five inches pruned off, and I'll be good for another nine months.  I'm obviously not fussy about my looks, never have been.  I've had the same hair style for 30 years, long hair pulled back in a head band.  Easy to take care of.  Which is good, because I'm all about the easy peasy.

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